
The authors listed below are members of the Independent Creators Directory. Their stories cover many different genres. If you are looking for a new book to read, be sure to check out their pages. Need a device to read the digital version of their books on? Check out the links at the bottom of this page!

Teri Bachman

Independent Author

McKayla Jade

Independent Author, Ghost Writer, & Editor

Donna Carlene

Independent Author

Karl Witsman

Independent Author & Editor

Dan Hollifield

Independent Author, Musician, & Streamer

Nicholas Tockert

Independent Author, Artist, Game Designer, & Streamer

Amanda Tockert

Independent Author

Brian K. Morris

Independent Author, Editor & Streamer

Amy Hale

Independent Author & Streamer

Keisha Acuff

Independent Author

Willie D. “Will” Smith

Independent Author & Artist

Kellie Austin

Independent Author

Grant Lankard

Independent Comic Book Creator

Cindy Koepp

Independent Author & Game Designer

Joe Bachman

Independent Author, Coder, Webmaster, Artist, and Founder of Independent Creator Directory

ElectroMagnetic Press

Independent Author & Artist

Sanzaki Kojika

Independent Author, Artist, Comic Writer, & Streamer

Syndesmos Creative

Independent Author & Streamer

Bonsart Bokel

Independent Author, Artist, Comic Writer, & Streamer

Kelly Guentner

Independent Author & Podcaster

Kaighla Rises

Independent Author

Darion Simmons

Independent Author

Matthew Kreke

Independent Author & Streamer

Stephanie Osborn

Independent Author

Aunty Foxy

Independent Artist, Jewelry Crafter, & Author

Bladed Thesis

Independent Artist, Streamer, & Author