Independent Creators Directory

A Message from Joe

When you sign up for a membership, be on the lookout for an email from me. You may need to check your junk mail folder. This email will contain what I need from you to get your page setup. If you do not receive this email within 2 business days of signing up, please use the contact form on the site.

If you are one of the members who has access to the site to make blog posts or add events to the calendar, please email Joe at to get the new link to log in.

Art by Nicholas Tockert

Independent Creator Events Calendar

Want to know where the members of are going to be? Check out the calendar below!


Add Events

Got an event you’d like to see on this calendar? Click here to submit it to our admins for review. If we feel it is proper, we will add it to the calendar!

What is the Independent Creators Directory?

The Independent Creators Directory was started so that creators of various disciplines could have a space to list links to their works to promote themselves and also promote other creators that they know.

Ready to start getting your links added to the directory? Click the button below to get your membership and start getting your works listed!