Hi, I’m Bonsart…

Bonsart Bokel's Profile Image

Bonsart Bokel is the creator of Radio Retrofuture on YouTube, which includes the Steampunk Beginners Guide documentary series. On the RRF podcast, he has interviewed over a hundred members of the Steampunk Community, including writers, comic illustrators, and other creators. After discussing the genre for nearly a decade, he thought it was time to write example stories that go beyond the typical tropes of Steampunk’s popular image. This became a short story series called The Association of Ishtar—a multiverse of Loveholmesian adventure and Steampunk-inspired horrors.

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The Association of Ishtar
(3 Book Series)

Dive headfirst into a captivating universe where Cosmic Mystery meets Steampunk Adventure, crafted by the mastermind behind the Steampunk Beginners Guide on YouTube.

In “The Association of Ishtar,” a secretive organization stands guard, shielding their world from the enigmatic anomalies, terrifying monsters, and unpredictable machines that breach through Rifts—mysterious portals to parallel dimensions where the impossible becomes reality.

To safeguard their realm, they’ve entered into peculiar alliances with global behemoths like Ütter-Krapp, navigated the treacherous waters of the merciless penal legions of the French Empire, stood alongside chivalrous Mechanized Knights, and forged bonds with a myriad of eccentric organizations, each harboring their own enigmatic loyalties. Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey filled with intrigue and danger.
Book 1: $5.99
Book 2: $4.99
Book 3: $2.99
All Three Books: $13.97

World Building | Balancing High and Low Concept

Radio Retrofuture August 15, 2024 3:00 pm


The Casket Girls

Crowd Funding

Another Crowd Funding Campaign Coming Soon!