Hi, I’m Amanda…

Amanda Tockert is a librarian. She has read books and told stories from a very early age. Somewhere in High School a rundown English teacher told her writing was not a viable career path. All her projects are loving little pieces of spite. Her day job is convincing people that there really are books they will enjoy reading, her side gig is writing down just why she was snickering that one time.

Coy Wolf

Coy Wolf

Josette Renard is called a coy wolf. It’s a play on words: half wolf, half coyote but no shifting in sight. Her very existence caused ripples of unease within the shifter community. So, when her family’s territory is invaded and her family is killed in the takeover she believes she will never return home.

A summons from the new head of the Council and an offer she cannot refuse lead her back to New Orleans and into danger. Kidnappings, plots and dirty dealing are just part of her welcome home.
Kindle Format: $2.99
Paperback: $10.24
Derivative Fiction

Derivative Fiction

College Student Torrey Jeffries wants to become a writer so he takes English 456: The Modern American Novel.  Dumb luck puts him in the class with the professor who averages one student break down a semester. 

When the semester assignment is to write a romance novella, he never expects his roommate to play such a major part in the story. A pompous professor, a Fan Fiction reading roommate and an Unexpectedly HOT coffee guy.
Kindle Format: $2.99
Paperback: $8.24